The Anatomy of Self-Driving Cars

3 min read

1960s retro race car

Modern cars have been around for over a century, and are fundamental to our daily lives. Despite the duration of time that cars have been around, we have always had to be proficient in one crucial skill before using one: driving. Not anymore. There’s a huge change coming to the car industry, and it goes by the name self-driving cars. Now you must be wondering, how do these self-driving cars work anyway? First computers learned how to play chess, and now they can drive cars??? Well, self-driving cars operate using five key components: computer vision, sensor fusion, localization, path planning,…...

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Ramandeep Saini Ramandeep Saini is a writer who covers topics in emerging tech, such as artificial intelligence. She’s served as a consultant to companies such as Walmart Canada and Wealthsimple in the past, using her expertise in tech to guide them towards their corporate goals. In her free time, she runs an art blog and enjoys volunteering with local nonprofits.

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